Thursday, 11 November 2010

My new job

Well I thought I would let you know how I'm getting on in my new job as a lecturer. It's been almost 2 weeks since I first started at the University of Glamorgan and I have to say I'm loving it, it's such a huge difference from my last job as an animator at Blitz Games Studios. First off I am so busy I have no idea where the last 2 weeks have gone, seriously. I have been thrown into the deep end which has been a great experience. I have already done a lecture on stepped animation which wasn't that great as I wasn't too sure what the students knew and where they were work wise but I know I'll get better at this. Also I have had tutorials with all 3 years though I haven't come close to meeting all the students.
  This week is reading week and I have been fortunate to work from home for half the week. I have been making my way through about 80 seperate pieces of work that have built up as there's been no first year lecturer since term began so that has been full on. But I think I have the hang of it. Having to go easy on them as I have to remember this is the first time most of them have ever animated full stop let alone on a computer. 
  Anyway it's been really good and the staff have been great, some I have already known since my time here as a student 7 years ago. Being back in Cardiff has been great and I've really missed the place, it's changed so much, but my accent is thickening up again and i think it's time to buy an umbrella again.
  Right that's it for now. More animation relevant posts to follow.

Hello there.

Well here I am. I thought I would start blogging again after a little dabble in it a while back, but now I am lecturing I thought it would be a good place to post cool animations I've found or have been passed to me, my own pieces of work, when I get the chance, and also anything of note or interest. This makes more sense than just e-mailing people or trying to get people to remember a website name. So I hope to be on here a lot so do keep an eye out. Wish me luck.